Training Programs
Pactum Factum
“Negotiation Is Everybody’s Business”
Pactum Factum
Super Stealth Workshops
The Pactum Factum team is a cohort of secret agents – uniquely qualified to train in the state-of-the-art negotiation techniques and strategies; as well as organizational leadership and responsibility. We have presented a variety of successful workshops to domestic and international companies and universities alike. Pactum Factum training cuts across disciplines and delivers a set of competencies that YOU can put into practice literally the next day. Pactum Factum workshops are highly substantive, broadly applicable in everyday life, and cognitively transfixing. In short: nutritious AND delicious. We are not phoning it in. Each workshop incorporates a dynamic and impactful mixture of lecture, interactive problems and negotiations, and detailed debriefing (with more practice available at the longer workshops). And then it’s up to you to execute: A one-and-done workshop only gets you so far. Negotiation and communication skills (and organizational reshaping) are like muscles – they get stronger through regular conditioning and practice. The good news is, you don’t need to abscond to a remote and invisible island to harness these powers. We got you covered:
- Lightsaber Optional: Organizational Allyship and JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion)
- California Living: Workplace Harassment and Abusive Conduct Prevention (satisfies FEHA requirement)
- How to Be the Most Powerful Person in the Room: Listening & Questioning
- Mental Maps and Traps – Behavioral Science in Negotiation
- Pactum Factum Runway: A Session With Your Negotiation Stylist
- Is That Their Real Face?! – Micro-expression, Emotion and Lie Detection in Negotiation
- “Everything Is Fine!”: Difficult Conversations
- Play Nice! – Game Theory and Bidding Strategy in Negotiation
- Evil Genius – Plotting and Planning in Negotiation
- Distributive Bargaining – The Pie is Fixed!
- Integrative Bargaining – (Is The Pie Really As Fixed As You Thought?)
- Information is Power! (Getting it and Managing it like a Marvel Hero)
- Time Out on the Field: Getting Past Impasse
- Tit-for-Tat Robot: Negotiation and Technology
447 Sutter St, Ste 405
San Francisco, CA 94108
Call Us
1 (925) 322-0545